Pump stations, Brooks Range, & a raven

Days are getting longer and brighter around here now, but we’ve still got tons of great footage from the dimmer days of winter. Here’s our current favorite.

Over the course of about 2 hours after leaving Prudhoe Bay, Jack drives by Pump Station 3 on the Dalton Highway, then heads down into the foothills of the Brooks Range with Galbraith Airport and Pump 4 in the distance. After communing a few moments with a curious raven, he goes up and over Atigun Pass then down The Shelf, passing Chandalar state camp near the end.

6 comments on “Pump stations, Brooks Range, & a raven

  1. koalaeggcharon68899 says:

    Thank You! 

  2. audrey258 says:

    Nice music, parts of the road look like they are better maintained than the Fairbanks roads lately.

  3. Linda says:

    Love ya Jack! You are my family’s favorite of everyone. Your kindness and respect for all things shines through. Thank you.

  4. Christy Pritchett says:

    Thank you for your time and beautiful scenery video. I’m in Oklahoma and seldom see snow storms. Your work is appreciated. Thanks to your wife too.

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